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Yves Mauchle M.A. HSG


Die Registrierungsvereinbarung – insbesondere bei tokenisierten Forderungsrechten

The registration agreement links a certain right to a token or other informational unit on a distributed ledger. In doing so, the issuer creates a ledger-based security, which is an instrument of public faith equivalent to a bearer or «ordre» security and features scriptural legality. The article examines the function and securities law context of the registration agreement, including…

Die regulatorische Antwort auf FinTech: Evolution oder Revolution? Eine Verortung aktueller Entwicklungen

While technological improvements have shaped the financial industry and its regulation for decades, FinTech is the buzzword of the hour. Rapidly developing digital technologies allow new market entrants to disrupt the traditional intermediary-based provision of financial services (I.). These new businesses – in particular those that operate payment systems or engage in crowdfunding – may clash…

Rückerstattung von Leistungen nach Art. 678 OR

Under the existing law, restitution claims as set out in art. 678 of the Swiss Code of Obligations (CO) have been rarely invoked. Reasons for this are the strict requirements of art. 678 para. 2 CO and, more importantly, deficiencies in the procedural incentive structure. In the present article, controversial issues regarding the existing law are analysed and commented on, followed by a discussion…
Prof. Dr. iur. Hans Caspar von der Crone LL.M., Yves Mauchle M.A. HSG
SZW-RSDA 3/2015 | p. 199

Grundlagenirrtum bei Mängeln am Mietobjekt

Im Herbst 2011 verhandelten die A. AG (Vermieterin, Klägerin, Beschwerdeführerin) und die B. AG (Mie­terin, Beklagte, Beschwerdegegnerin) über den ­Abschluss eines Mietvertrags über Büroräumlichkeiten und einen Archiv- und Lagerraum in der Stadt St. Gallen.
Yves Mauchle M.A. HSG, Prof. Dr. iur. Hans Caspar von der Crone LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 1/2015 | p. 56