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PD Dr. iur. Daniel M. Häusermann LL.M.


Konzernorganisationsrecht heute

The Swiss law of groups of companies is characterized by a scarcity of statutory rules, judicial pragmatism, and a flexible application of the rules by companies. Unusually, the density of statutory rules in this domain has decreased in recent years. In this article, the author summarizes the current status of the organizational law of groups of companies and takes a closer look at selected…
Prof. Dr. iur. Daniel M. Häusermann LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 5/2023 | p. 559

Relationship Agreements zwischen Vertragsfreiheit und zwingendem Aktienrecht

Relationship agreements between listed companies and large shareholders have gained in popularity over the past years. Relationship agreements cover such topics as the shareholder’s representation on the board of directors, voting at shareholder meetings, the shareholder’s right to receive information from the company, and exit provisions (e.g., lock-up and standstill undertakings). From the…

Art. 704 OR und Minderheitenschutz: Eine aktienrechtliche ­Kurvendiskussion

Majority requirements for shareholder resolutions are an important element of minority protection in corporate law. Swiss learned writing ascribes such minority protecting effect to article 704(1) of the Code of Obligations (CO), which requires certain important shareholder resolutions to be taken by a supermajority of two thirds of votes represented and the absolute majority of capital represented.

Stimmrechtsaktien zwischen Gestaltungsfreiheit und Minderheitenschutz

A recent controversy around the sale of a controlling stake in a well-known Swiss public company has brought shares with preferential voting rights (Stimm­rechtsaktien, actions à droit de vote privilégié) into the limelight. In spite of the public criticism, there is no empirical evidence that dual-class share structures negatively impact the value of listed companies. While a mandatory «one…