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From the magazine SZW-RSDA 3/2024 | S. 257-270 The following page is 257

Ein Jahr nach der Aktienrechtsrevision

Ein Blick in die Praxis zu Publikumsgesellschaften

The revised Swiss corporate law came into force on 1 January 2023 and led to major changes covering all sorts of corporate aspects (from capital increases over general meetings of shareholders to financial distress). Many of those aspects must first be put into practice to see how and whether they work as intended by the legislator. This article sheds light mainly on the first season of general meetings of shareholders of publicly listed Swiss corporations held in 2023 and discusses, with a view to the practice, several new instruments introduced by the revision such as the virtual shareholder meeting, the capital band, the share capital in foreign currency, arbitration clauses as well as the handling of conflict of interests. While the article shows certain lines of development, it remains to be seen how the revised corporate law will develop in the future.
